Suzanne Mulvehill & Dr. Jordan Tishler – Therapeutic cannabis for female orgasmic disorder #33

Suzanne Mulvehill & Dr. Jordan Tishler, therapeutic cannabis for female orgasmic disorder.
Our guests for this podcast episode : Suzanne Mulvehill, MBA, BSW, Board Certified Clinical Sexologist, Female Orgasmic Disorder Specialist, PhD Candidate, International Institute of Clinical Sexology, Miami, FL, USA. Jordan Tishler MD, President CEO inhaleMD, President Association of Cannabinoid Specialists, Instructor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School.
Can therapeutic cannabis help women who have difficulty orgasming or who never orgasmed? Anecdotal research and Suzanne’s personal experience says, “Yes!”
Our guests for this podcast episode : Suzanne Mulvehill, MBA, BSW, Board Certified Clinical Sexologist, Female Orgasmic Disorder Specialist, PhD Candidate, International Institute of Clinical Sexology, Miami, FL, USA
- Facebook: The Orgasm Project
- Survey link:
Jordan Tishler MD, President CEO inhaleMD, President Association of Cannabinoid Specialists, Instructor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Can therapeutic cannabis help women who have difficulty orgasming or who never orgasmed? Anecdotal research and Suzanne’s personal experience says, “Yes!”
Join Suzanne Mulvehill, Clinical Sexologist, Female Orgasmic Disorder Specialist and Director of The Orgasm Project, and Dr. Jordan Tishler, Harvard Doctor and President of the Association of Cannabinoid Specialists and COO of inhaleMD, Inc., for a personal, educational and inspiring discussion on therapeutic cannabis for female orgasmic disorder.
Suzanne Mulvehill shares her personal journey of having seen 4 sex therapists over a 30-year period to address her orgasmic disorder and, to her surprise, discovering cannabis as the healing therapeutic treatment for her orgasmic disorder.
The podcast discusses scientific differences between men’s and women’s orgasm and that the scientific community has at least 25 different definitions of orgasm. The term “disorder” is discussed in relation to female orgasmic disorder, in that a woman must be experiencing distress in order to be diagnosed with female orgasmic disorder. Dr. Tishler discusses the lack of research on male orgasm in comparison to female orgasm.
The value of cannabis is discussed in creating an altered state and being used in a thoughtful manner where one can distance oneself from inner voices, such as self-judgment, that stand in the way of orgasm. Dosage is discussed as being more complicated for men than for women.
Frequency of cannabis use is discussed as it relates to research on the topic and the discussion broadens to look at cannabis as a therapy, a medicine, to be used overtime, where the cannabis guides us to know what issues need to be addressed and resolved within oneself.
Suggestions are made if one is starting to use therapeutic cannabis to enhance sexuality and orgasm. Dr. Tishler makes recommendations as to how begin using cannabis, which method to use and not use, particularly when getting started using cannabis for sex.
Suzanne discusses what a pleasure practice is and making a commitment to it and how the body can learn/re-learn pleasurable sensations in a committed practice. Paying attention without vigilance, using journaling to integrate the experience and moving out of goal-orientation and into feelings and sensations are discussed as methods to retrain oneself.
“Creating an altered states (with cannabis) allows us to explore our orgasmic potential in ways that some people cannot access without a little intervention.”
Dr. Jordan Tishler
Séquençage du podcast :
- 00:20 Introduction
- 00:58 Who is Suzanne
- 01:17 Who is Doctor Jordan Tishler
- 02:49 Suzanne’s intentions by recording this podcast
- 09:40 Doctor Tishler’s intentions by recording this podcast
- 11:55 Suzanne : What is your vision of sexuality right here, right now?
- 15:09 Doctor Tishler : What is your vision of sexuality right here, right now?
- 19:34 Suzanne : What do you want to share first as an important message?
- 21:55 From Doctor Tishler to Suzanne : What do you mean by “disorder”?
- 23:35 Doctor Tishler reframes slightly in terms of “quality of life with nuances and examples.
- 26:50 What are the scientific differences between the orgasm of men and women ? Seems to have a simplified version for men?
- 27:43 Altered state of consciousness
- 28:30 Women vigilance and inhibition
- 28:53 Men’s orgasm adequately researched too
- 31:25 A journey to meet yourself
- 32:30 Advice: become friend with your own sexual response.
- 35:21 How is it really possible to define an orgasm considering the large variety of it?
- 37:30 The value of therapeutic use of cannabis for sexuality and quality of life.
- 39:25 Difference for women and men?
- 41:53 Do you think cannabis open a door to develop a potential of pleasure?
- 42:32 It is a learning process, or even an forgetting process !
- 44:00 It didn’t fix me ?!
- 44:33 Use cannabis as a sacred medicine, as a practice with intention
- 46:30 Statistics
- 47:15 Role of frequencies of use (analogy with a pianist)
- 48:38 Recommendation in case someone use cannabis for sexuality: start alone (Cf upcoming book of Dr Tishler for more information)
- 51:13 Practical use of cannabis
- 54:16 Neuroplasticity, new neurons pathways
- 55:17 Youtube meditation to get out of my head and get in my body
- 56:28 Studies of brain areas
- 57:23 How to re-train ourself to let go
- 01:00:00 It is a lever to increase the quality of life step by step
- 01:01:01 Last advices, how to contact Doctor Tishler & Suzanne Mulvehill, website articles, survey, own research
- 01:03:59 Podcast closure
The Podcast via our Instagram TV channel:
First part
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Second part
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Extra info:
Difficulty orgasming, which when accompanied by emotional distress, can be diagnosed as female orgasmic disorder, affects up to 41% of women worldwide. This percentage includes women who never orgasmed, women who used to orgasm but do not any longer, and women who orgasm in some situations but not others. The overarching theme of being diagnosed with female orgasmic disorder is that it causes emotional distress. Sadly, the percentage of women suffering from orgasmic difficulties/disorders has not changed in 50 years.
Suzanne is committed to helping women heal their orgasm and discovering proven pathways to orgasm. She has presented her research on cannabis, female orgasm and female orgasmic disorder at international conferences including, the 2021 World Conference for Sexual Medicine. In May, 2022, she presented Three theories explore why women who use cannabis regularly are twice as likely to orgasm at the Cannabis Clinical Outcomes Research Conference in Orlando, Florida. She is conducting a survey and collecting data for her dissertation to explore if women are using cannabis to help orgasm.
Research shows that women who use cannabis more frequently are twice as likely to orgasm. Suzanne is conducting the first study of its kind to focus exclusively on exploring the effect cannabis has on women who have difficulty orgasming.
- Cannabis literature review :
- Meditation of Suzanne (mentioned in the podcast at 55:17) :
- Cannabis literature review (All Suzanne’s research to date has been co-authored by Doctor Tisher): Three theories explore why women who use cannabis regularly are twice as likely to orgasm, Cannabis Clinical Outcomes Research Conference, May, 2022.
- Four theories support a hypothesis that cannabis may be a treatment for female orgasmic disorder, World Conference for Sexual Medicine Conference, November, 2021
- Cannabis, female orgasm, and female orgasmic disorder: Comprehensive Literature Review, Cannabis Clinical Outcomes Research Conference, April, 2021
- Can cannabis be a treatment for female orgasmic disorder? Cannabis Clinical Outcomes Research Conference, April, 2021
- Meditation of Suzanne (mentioned in the podcast at 55:17) :
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