09. Private sex education for your child

In an ever-changing world, sexuality is everywhere, omnipresent. There’s a lot of chatter around it without getting to the heart of the matter.
Sexuality that seems so natural is not innate at all!
What parent feels equipped enough to feel comfortable talking about it with their child?
Sexuality and relationships can be learned!
And right now, so much information is circulating, especially about porn.
Porn is the first (and sometimes the only) gateway to sexual education that young people choose. Why is this? Because porn is easy to access, access is anonymous (alone at home or in a group, it’s not confrontational), it’s (almost) free. And when it’s free, you’re the product.
There is so much information and so many topics related to sexuality that many parents sometimes ask themselves “how do I find out? and how do I talk about it? »:
- Children and teenagers are not without information, quite the contrary;
- Sexological information is often not known to adults;
- Sexual information is dysfunctional in many young people;
- Sexuality is a complex area.
Parents are trying as best they can to cope with such a vast and delicate area on their own. Be aware that services are available to help you.
Every parent aspires to see their child grow up happily and thrive in emotional relationships. Compared to what would be necessary, there is little time to talk about it. Suddenly, once a teenager becomes an adult, there is hope that he or she will be able to live life, relationships and sexuality to the fullest. It’s not enough to just cross your fingers and hope for the best. You have to do something about it. The service that the Love Health Center offers you tends to meet some of your needs.

In practice
- We coach your teenager on the EVRAS themes of your choice or we propose a program.
- Recommended duration of individual consultations: 1 hour
- Number of consultations: according to your choice.
- We come to your home. We travel to Belgium and France on request.
- Sessions via Skype possible.
- The program is dedicated, tailor-made, according to your situation.
- In an individual session, the young person dares to ask intimate questions.
- Attention and learning are optimized.
- The service is complementary to what is offered in schools (as far as it takes place).
- Parents also have the answers to their questions.

Did you know that?
- EVRAS is the Education of Relational, Affective and Sexual Life.
- Sexual education is a term used by the WHO (World Health Organization), the Wallonia-Brussels Community, education, health centers etc…
- The EVRAS decree (in Belgium) makes a few hours of education compulsory in subsidised secondary schools.