11. Sex education / white tents and red tents

The term “red tent” refers to Native American culture to sacred and ritual moments when women gather together to discuss themes that are specific to them. The word “red” refers to the red color of menstruation.

We propose a “mother-daughter red tent” activities to create beautiful and powerful moments of exchange.

Culturally, there is a huge gap between the messages communicated to girls and those communicated to boys at the time of puberty.

The Love Health Center proposes to help change this situation, which is highly asymmetrical and unbalanced.

We therefore also propose “father-son white tent” activities to create beautiful and powerful moments of exchange between father and son as it already exists for girls.

The color white refers to the color of the sperm.


We have the great pleasure to co-create and collaborate with other professionals and associations to make this ambitious project possible. We would like to thank them wholeheartedly: FemmesProd asbl, Jane Delespesse, Caroline Von Bibikow, Rikke Qvist, etc.

The activity takes place as follows:

Mothers and daughters meet in groups to discuss topics related to the body, intimacy and sexuality. At the same time, fathers and sons do the same.

Both groups are led by relational wellness professionals who are specialists in intimacy-related topics.

At the end of the day, the 2 groups meet to live together a moment of sharing and mutual enrichment on the themes discussed during the day.

The content:

Depending on the duration of the programmed activity this can include for example:

  • Speaking moments
  • Information Session
  • Let’s talk about sexuality
  • Yoga
  • Sound massage
  • Stroll in nature
  • Communication game
  • Game just for fun!
  • Cooking meals together

En pratique

  • Cette activité s’adresse aux jeunes de 13-14 ans.
  • L’adulte qui accompagne le jeune peut être soit le père, la mère, le parrain, la marraine, l’oncle, la tante, un grand-parent. Bref, un.e adulte référent.e avec qui le jeune se sent bien.
  • Différents formats vous sont proposés:
    • Quelques heures
    • une journée
    • un WE entier
  • Modulation possible: Les tentes blanches et rouges peuvent être programmées séparément. Vous pouvez donc trouver à l’agenda juste les tentes rouges ou blanches.
I reserve my experience

Nos objectifs sont:

  • d’augmenter la complicité père-fils, mère-fille autour des thématiques relatives à la sexualité, la puberté et la relation
  • d’offrir à la sexualité un espace de parole 
  • d’informer, et de répondre aux préoccupations s’il y en a
  • de créer du partage, des dialogues afin de promouvoir des relations parents-adolescent.e.s de qualité.  

Pour quelles raisons parler relation et intimité avec son enfant

Podcast épisode #10 de Entr’Nous: L’éducation sexuelle avec les jeunes