17. Therapeutic photo with Isabelle Chapuis

The Love Health Center has the immense pleasure of having been chosen to collaborate and co-create with Isabelle Chapuis.
Isabelle will come a few times a year from Paris to offer you various activities related to body image and well-being.
Here is a presentation of her approach and her journey:
Her approach: LOVE
an image accompaniment towards self-esteem with the photographer Isabelle Chapuis
I propose individual or group shots in which I accompany men and women to offer each other a benevolent look, thus developing self-esteem and acceptance. By using a non-verbal language, photography allows us to tell about ourselves in images, to connect to an intimate and emotional dimension. Used as an emotional language, the image then becomes a tool for personal exploration.
For individual sessions, a preliminary interview allows me to create a formula according to your needs. Sessions last between 2 and 4 hours, one-off or regular. They begin with a speaking time, followed by spontaneous movements to untie the body. During the shooting you are invited to reveal yourself without forcing anything; free to dress according to what you wish to explore. We visualize the shots together, letting the emotions express themselves throughout this introspective work. In a second step, you will receive a large selection of images.
Group workshops are also offered in co-creation with other professionals.
A group workshop has been specially designed to give you a gentle, sober, transforming, fulfilling experience to help you love your sex. The workshop will be published soon. It is the fruit of the knowledge and passion of several professionals: therapeutic photography, plastic art, sexology. To better know the body to marvel at it and love it.
Also, if you have ideas of services that you would like, share your desires with us, we could also create a custom activity or on demand.
His career path
My work ranges from the practice of artistic photography to that of therapeutic photography. The human being is at the heart of my work. I perceive the epidermis as a vibrant texture, the body as a revealer of our relationship with intimacy and a dimension of our identity. On a personal level, I explore the relationship to the body and the different layers of the being through Dance Medicine, Tantra, yoga, meditation and shamanism. This path is supported by the need to create in photography and by the need to evolve personally.
Having graduated from Penninghen in Graphic Arts, while I opted for photography, my gaze turned towards creations combining portraiture and staging. Rewarded by the Prix Picto and then the Bourse du Talent, my images are regularly exhibited in galleries and institutions. Notably in Paris at the Grand Musée du Parfum or the Palais Galliera. As well as in Switzerland, Italy, the United States, Hong Kong, China…
My approach to physicality in photography and my personal sensory practices feed respectively and have led me towards photography with a therapeutic aim.
I worked in Guyana with an NGO called l’Arbre Fromager where I photographed women victims of violence, then in Congo within the Panzi Foundation of Dr Denis Mukwege where I set up workshops with women victims of sexual violence in the context of war crimes.
Then in France, I worked with a group of patients at the Clinique des Pages, in pairs with an art therapist.
I propose a holistic approach to photography, which embraces the human being as a whole: in its physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions. By finding what emanates from each of us, we can measure the extent of our power and give ourselves the right to embody it fully.
!! Photo credit: The photo presented on this page is not free of right. Thank you for respecting their rights and properties.

En pratique
Des activités seront programmées bientôt à l’agenda.
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